Wednesday, October 31, 2012

What Can You Live Without?

This storm of all storms, ironically, named after my ex-Mother-in-Law, has caused a whirlwind of introspection.  Beyond the obvious of forcing many of us to take a step backwards and analyze what's truly important in our lives, it's also caused us all to take a genuine look at what we can truly live without.

Just for starters, power isn't one of them.  I never realized how much I loved power until I walked around in the dark holding a flashlight while looking for candles.   Not having hot water made cold showers seem like water torture, and I didn't think I fell in love with wi-fi, but when it returns, I think I'm going to marry it.

However, in those hours of sitting in the dark and reading by iPad light I came to realize what I really didn't find essential.


It's a shame to admit this, especially because I work in the business.  However, didn't miss it.  Baseball is over, hockey is in the middle of yet another lock out, and with the exception of just a few shows I like, the rest can be tossed off a cliff.   I couldn't care less about what's happening with The New Girl, Gossip Girl, or Girls.   I wouldn't miss the endless shows about vampires and zombies.  For that matter, you can also strike any show with an alcoholic cop or a lawyer that bends the rules.

Ice Cream

I'm one of those who don't need a warm day to crave ice cream or frozen yogurt.   Either way, when the power goes out, you're left with nothing more than defrosted sugar soup.   One look at that mess and I realized that a cookie would be just fine.   And much drier. 


With an eye on full disclosure, I must admit that I did manage to get 4G service throughout the storm.  Simulataneously, I missed delivery of all of my highly coveted Wall Street Journals during a similar period of time.   And although I still enjoy reading a newspaper, I managed to receive all the pertient information regarding power outages, sports, business news, and more simply by perusing different news oriented websites on my iPad.  It's a sad day when I can forsee a time when the printing press becomes a relic like the typewriter, but the end is near.


By the time I arrive home from work, the last thing on my mind is to pretend that I'm a contestant on a Food Network show.  So, I take what I have in the fridge and nuke it.  I'm not proud of it.  I know that these microwaves can't be good for me or frankly, for the food.  But I eat it any way.   Having a few days without it, forced me to improvise and get by with the stovetop.   And not only does it give you a break, it also gives you more options.


This one is a little more radical.  But follow it through.   For half the day, you can live with natural light.  By the time you're back at night, it's only a few more hours before you hit the pillow.  Now think of every device that you use - cell phone, computer, laptop, iPad, Kindle, Nook, and television.  Each one has a screen that lights up.   With the exception of finding the toiliet, you could literarally do seveal different activities in the house with only the light from your electronics.

Those are my top 5.  And as this blackout continues, I may encounter a few more for the list.  

What can you live without?

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