Saturday, January 23, 2010

"I Do...for 36 months"

The statistics haven't changed in years. Fifty percent of all marriages end in divorce. I think you could get better odds in this weekend's Jets/Colts game.

Now let's face the facts. Divorce certainly falls into the realm of our control, and yet many continue to repeat the mistakes of those who came before us. We marry too young, we don't choose well, we argue about money, and many cheat on their spouse. Perhaps "till death do us part" is too much too ask for such a fragile and fickle species. Maybe in this rare circumstance, we should emulate the philosophy of the car dealers.


It sounds crazy, right? Or does it? A man and a woman decide to get married. Both sides must first select the terms of the "contract." Standard agreements start at 36 months. At the end, both parties have an option to "buy" and extend the original contract. If the couple decides to part ways, it's a clean break with no attorney fees or the division of property. Both parties would be free to begin a new lease, with a new partner and no money down.

A three year term is an ideal test for any marriage. We learn about what it's like to share the same bed, the ability to do chores, and spending habits. It provides ample time to go on vacations, spend time with family during the holidays, and even buy real estate.

But wait, what about children? Don't worry. The lease has a provision for this too. The only couples permitted to have children are those who get through the initial terms of the lease. If you extend, then and only then, will the baby window begin to open. I just have this gut feeling that more people would stay together, and no one would have kids before they're truly ready.

Maybe when Predident Obama speaks of "change", he should add marriage leases to his list. Just don't forget to order the Bluetooth and the DVD player.

1 comment:

  1. My 36 month lease just came up on my car. After three years of driving the same car day in and day out, I was ready for a change. For a variety of reasons, I ended up buying the car -- so, using your analogy, I took the auto plunge and am now married to my luxury sedan. I was looking for something a little more compact and sexy, but in the end, went with what I felt comfortable with.

    Dating these days is not as easy. The problem with all of these online dating sites like Match and Jdate is the plethora of opportunities just a click away. In many ways it is a virtual showroom of new models to take a test drive with. If the test drive is off in any little way, the next test drive is just around the corner.

    The fear of a 36 month test drive relationship is that at the point of 'return,' most people would be looking for the next hot, trendy model. The commitment of marriage, while obviously contract that can be broken before or after the 36 month period, for the most part avoids the mass trade-in that would potentially take place with a 'leasing' option.

    For me, when the time comes, I do not want to have to re-evaluate things at 36 months. I want to drive off the lot and cruise on life's highway, never looking back. I think I have taken more than my share of test drives...
